5 Capitals undertook the Environmental Due Diligence at selected power plant sites in Jordan prior to their acquisition. The EDD identified a number of environmental risks including 4 diesel underground storage tanks (USTs) that were constructed almost 50 years ago and are still currently in use.
A study was therefore proposed to confirm whether there had been any leakage in the past from the base or sides of the tanks. Due to the lack of space around the tanks for use of conventional drilling rigs and the elevated location, it was decided to use “Geoprobe” sampling method to collect soil samples to a depth of 5m and to use a PID “sniffer” to check for hydrocarbons at different depths. The study comprised:
Phase I: Desktop study – Qualitative risk level assessment;
Phase II: Soil sampling and Laboratory Analysis.
A site specific Health & Safety Plan was prepared prior to Phase II and all staff were briefed prior to site activities commencing.
The general activities carried out during the Phase II investigation included:
Nine Geo-probe® points were drilled to identify the presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and therefore potential soil contamination. If VOCs were detected, then soil samples for laboratory analysis were collected from the potentially contaminated site.
From the nine survey points investigated during Phase I, two survey points were identified to have potential contamination. Following laboratory analysis of soil samples collected from five survey points (with a total of ten soil samples), it was confirmed that survey points GP4 and GP6 were contaminated with diesel product, although it was established that these were from a surface spill and that the diesel tanks showed no signs of leakage. Photos showing location of the tank farm and drilling activities.