Study of Integrating Modernized Technologies in Cleaning Services
5 Capitals was engaged as part of an advisory team appointed to examine options for improving the efficiency of municipal cleaning and waste collection services within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via improvements in the application of technology solutions. A particular focus was on the need to reduce the use of unskilled labour, and to increase opportunities for engagement of Saudi Nationals in the labour force.
The project encompassed an extensive review of existing practices, which were benchmarked against international practices to identify key variations in both service approach and the outcomes experienced. Where gaps were identified, the potential for application of technology solutions to bridge these gaps was examined. From this a series of technology options were identified.
Once identified the technology options were subject to a rigorous Cost Benefit Analysis, with those performing best subject to an additional simulation analysis. This simulation examined the impact of application of the proposed technologies on a real life contract area, simulating the impact on a range of factors, including labour requirements, capital expenditure requirements, and service outcomes. The simulation exercise was further subject to a comprehensive sensitivity analysis to test the robustness of its findings.
Developments to the service framework required to support the implementation of the preferred options were developed and put forward as a final deliverable of the engagement. These included development of revised contract frameworks, and specification of technical standards and capacity building required to enable further development.