Mrima Mining, Kenya


5 Capitals has led an international team of environmental experts to undertake the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the niobium and rare earth mining project in the south of Kenya.  The studies undertaken in 2011/2012 have been submitted to NEMA (National Environmental Management Authority) for review by their licensing team and by independent experts.

5 Capitals team leader Ken Wade is registered as an EIA LEAD Expert by NEMA and has ben responsible for developing the TOR and addressing all technical issues raised by regulators, stakehlders and NGOs.

Key aspects of the Mining ESIA have included:

  • Review of Feasibility studies for mining and processing plants;
  • Working with specialist mining engineering companies;
  • Review of previous trial pit studies undertaken by Anglo-American;
  • Baseline surveys: ecology, archaeology, water resources, radiation, Public Consultation meetings, air quality, noise, waste/wastewater management, reforestation plan, Environmental Management Plan;

Social and economic benefits arising from mining/processing and long-term sustainability of economy for local communities.