5 Capitals is one of the most experienced environmental companies in the Power Sector with more than a decade of experience in preparing bankable documents for multibillion-dollar projects in the MENA Region, sub-Saharan Africa, Europe and Asia. We work closely with Development teams to meet the environmental and social expectations of the Lenders, including World Bank/IFC, EBRD and many other IFI’sc commercial banks and export credit agencies worldwide from USA to Europe, Asia, Korea and Japan. To date we have completed ESIA’s, Due Diligence, Auditing and ESMMP’s for projects with a construction value >US$50 billion in over 20 countries.
Our approach is to partner with local consultancies to ensure that in country regulatory requirements and stakeholder consultations are met in full, prior to our submission of ESIA reports and specialist plans to the Lenders, which comply with the Equator Principles, IFC Performance Standards and EBRD’s Performance Requirements.
Our experience spans the project cycle from site/project acquisition due diligence, through planning to Financial Close (FC), construction, operation and decommissioning phases. Our approach is to strive for excellence in every project we undertake seeking innovative solutions that minimize project risk for our public and private sector clients and achieve the desired aims for local communities, biodiversity and cultural heritage protection, arising from application of Best Available Techniques (BAT) wherever possible.