Carlos Ponte heads 5 Capitals office in Spain which focuses on technical delivery for projects in Northern and Sub Saharan African markets, informing the Group on the latest methodological and regulatory developments in Europe as well as leading 5 Capitals business development with European companies working overseas and progressing the firms expansion into the Latin American Market.
Carlos has worked on the ESIAs and auditing of some of the largest conventional and renewable energy projects in the MENA region, using gas, oil, solar, hydro, wind and geothermal technologies. He has worked in more than 20 different countries, and the reports that Carlos has prepared as part of 5 Capitals team have been reviewed and accepted by WB, IFC, KfW, FMO, AFD, EIB, EBRD, OPIC, and AfDB, in addition to Export Credit Agencies and Equator Principles Banks.
Carlos has also undertaken Strategic Assessments for energy projects, infrastructure projects as well as urban master plans in Spain and Saudi Arabia.
Carlos obtained his BSc in Environmental Management at Lancaster University, his MSc in Sustainable Development at the Imperial College of London and his postgraduate Diploma on Development at the London School of Economics and Political Science.